Off the Beaten Path
Off the Beaten Path
Punch Bowl Falls, Oregon
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Off the Beaten Path. Stepping off the well-worn trail, the sounds of laughter and childhood dares echoed off the lush, moss covered gorge. Shrieks of joy and shock quickly fell silent as kids leapt from outcrops of boulders into the cold embrace of Eagle Creek. One by one they plunged below the surface, emerging wide eyed and quiet; the forest had quickly reclaimed its tranquility with the natural hum of rushing water falling over an endless chain of waterfalls. The alluring call of Punchbowl Falls swiftly led me upstream while my mind wandered off to analyze the possibilities of glory and potential disaster that awaited me the following day. Reaching the end of the shore, my fears swiftly disappeared as I snapped back into reality. How in the world was I ever debating about hitting the road to explore the beautiful outdoors of Oregon? Nursing a knee injury for the better part of a week, I continually asked myself “Do I stay or do I go?” The Portland Boulder Rally was quickly approaching and I was running out of time. After a last minute decision I found myself hastily shoving everything in my car and heading off west. Unsure of what adventures the weekend would bring, I can’t believe I almost stayed home. From gorgeous waterfalls along the Columbia River Gorge and the always bizarre and entertaining vibe of downtown Portland, to crushing expectations at the climbing competition and dirtbagging it at hidden hippie communes, the weekend was an overwhelming success. I just always need to remember, whenever you have the opportunity to explore never pass it up.